Recent Activity

  • donation
    Jessica Prenosil
    donated 2021-11-25 06:27:43 -0600
  • petition signature
    Jessica Prenosil
    signed End The Waiting List Petition 2021-03-12 12:36:38 -0600
  • feedback
    Jessica Prenosil
    commented on Contact Us 2019-03-19 16:31:03 -0500
    Hello, my name is Jessica and I work for Live Yes Studio. I am contacting on behalf of a client of LYS in search of allied organizations who may be planning to testify in favor of LB 202 and LB 558 at the state capitol Tuesday March 26th. As I am sure you probably know already, there will be a hearing starting at 130pm that afternoon that will be open to testimony on these bills. A client of LYS will be testifying in favor of LB202 and LB558 as they directly impact the budget for services provided to Nebraskans with developmental disabilities.

    We were hoping to see some like minded folks and to pass the word along to encourage people with any range of ability or disability to show their support for further funding services.