A&D Waiver Issue Update 


Great news on the Aged and Disabled Waiver issue for children! DHHS has determined that there is a pathway to help ensure continued care for many of these children. According to the Level of Care (LOC) Assessment Tool, the children were found ineligible to continue on the Aged and Disabled Waiver. To mitigate these effects, they will be transferring children to the Developmental Disability Waiver. This action will allow them to take action without the removal of any other waiver spots.


The 28 children who have already been found ineligible will be offered continuing care on the Developmental Disability Waiver. This will allow them continuing care that, in many cases, will be life-saving.

If they are currently on the DD Waiting List, they will be automatically moved into services. If not, they will have to fill out a Developmental Disabilities Waiver Application.


This will be implemented on a rolling basis as other children hit their review dates. If you have questions about whether your child is eligible, please check http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/DD-Eligibility.aspx or call (877) 667-6266


We expect this to help the majority of children who have been adversely affected. However, we do expect that there will still be at least some children who will be ineligible for the DD Waiver that will no longer meet eligibility requirements.

We would like to applaud the department for taking this opportunity to ensure children receive the life-saving care that they need.