For Immediate Release
October 7, 2020
Contact: Edison McDonald
(402) 475-4407
Curbside Voting, Other Accommodations Available for Nebraskans with Disabilities
LINCOLN, NE – The Arc of Nebraska today issued an advisory to all disabled Nebraskans informing them of certain rights and accommodations available to them as they cast their ballot in the 2020 Presidential election, which will be held on November 3. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Curbside voting from your vehicle, if you are physically unable to enter the polling location, there will be a sign with a number to get assistance at your vehicle
- Polling places that are wheelchair-accessible, with pathways free of obstructions
- Brand new Express Vote machines for use by voters who need assistance
- The right to cast your vote in private, free of intimidation, or electioneering
- The right to ask for assistance from a friend or an election official in filling out your ballot
- If voters find any barriers, please call the hotline at 402-890-5291
In addition, all registered voters in Nebraska have been sent a Vote By Mail registration card by the Nebraska Secretary of State. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, voting by mail is a safe and secure way to ensure every Nebraskan’s vote is counted without potentially exposing themselves to infection. Vote by mail registrations should be postmarked by October 6, or dropped off at your election commissioner/county clerk by October 23.
The Arc encourages all Nebraskans to pledge to vote on their website at Additional information on election accessibility in Nebraska can be found at and on the Secretary of State’s website at
For over 60 years, The Arc of Nebraska has provided advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. It is a non-profit governed by a Board of Directors and has over 1,500 members across the state.
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