This week we have a very important hearing. The hearing for LB 1204 The Family Support Waiver will be at 1:30 on the 19th at the State Capitol. We need as many people there as possible sharing their stories of our broken system and how this can help fix it. Below is a graphic to help understand the Family Support Waiver. We've also attached a sample email for you to submit testimony to the committee.
Email [email protected]
Template Email
Dear Health and Human Services Committee,
My name is ______, I am writing in support of LB 1204 The Family Support Waiver. We as a state have a duty to children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We have been failing to provide these supports in a comprehensive fashion. This leaves many families falling through the cracks. We also have failed to provide a system that addresses these issues in a timely fashion. We currently have a Wait List of 2300 people leading to an average wait of 6-8 years. LB 1204 The Family Support Waiver will help to fix these issues and ensure people with disabilities have the supports they need.
This bill keeps family caregivers in the workforce, keeps children with disabilities in their family home, supplements their family health insurance coverage, provides support for therapies and medical needs not covered by health insurance and also offers access to long-term services and supports such as specialized childcare, respite, and home/vehicle modifications, as examples.
Thank you for your consideration please move this bill out of committee.
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