LB 540: Transition

Senator Lynne Walz

a. This bill looks to protect transition services for young people
b. Transition is one of the most difficult times in the life of a child with a disability. This bill helps to protect the services that are currently set to be cut.


Arc Position

We support legislation to develop and implement transition plans based on student strengths, preferences, and interests to facilitate movement from school to adult life, including postsecondary and vocational education, employment, independent living, and community participation

Current status

Transition funding is currently one of the most unstable areas in Nebraska

Many families have no idea what resources are available currently

Priority funding is set to end in 2021

Federal funds were short last year and will probably be short again leaving young people in severe need


Transition Services are designed to help coordinate the move of an individual from childhood into adult life.  Some of the services include:

  • Postsecondary education. This includes attending junior and community colleges which may lead to a Certificate or Associate’s degree. It may also include four year colleges and universities which may lead to a Bachelor’s degree.
  • Vocational education. This activity is designed to give your child certain skills for specialized occupations (such as an electrician, dental assistant, or welder).
  • Integrated or Supported employment. This includes “on the job” support that allows your child to learn and keep a job. Supported employment gives children with severe mental or physical disabilities the opportunity to have a job in their community.
  • Continuing and Adult education. Continuing education is for personal enrichment and may include classes such as cooking, sewing, or gardening. Adult education is more of a vocational, or skills-based, approach that provides instruction to individuals sixteen (16) years of age or older who are no longer being served by the public schools. Adult education may include classes such as woodworking, health care, and business education. Adult education programs may also be available to prepare for GED tests
  • Adult services. Once your child is no longer eligible for services under the public school system, he or she may be eligible to receive services through the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Vocational Rehabilitation System (VRS).


LB 540 helps to ensure that these young people get the support that they need

Edison McDonald


The Arc of Nebraska advocates with and for people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities to have full inclusion into their communities.