The Arc of Nebraska’s
The Arc of Nebraska’s
51st Annual Senatorial Event
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
Cornhusker Hotel and Virtual
In this unprecedented year, we look forward to an unprecedented event celebrating our 51st Senatorial Dinner both in person and virtually. As we continue to shift direction through a pandemic fighting for services, ensuring utilities stay connected, working for community inclusion, and finding new ways to deal with new problems. We hope you will join us as we look forward to the next year!
10:00-11:30 am Advocacy Training and Update
11:00 am Registration Opens
12:00-1:00 Senatorial Lunch
State Senators will be present to meet with and share personal stories along with your hopes for people with developmental disabilities and their families. We wish to express our appreciation to the Senators for their past and continuing support.
Please call your Senator and encourage him/her to attend. You may call The Arc of Nebraska for the name and phone number of your Senator. The Arc of Nebraska’s website also has a Legislative link where you may find your Senator’s contact information.
Name: __________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________ City: _______________________ Zip: ___________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________ Senator: _____________________________________
_____ Member of The Arc-$45.00
_____ Non-Member-$70.00
_____ I would like to make a contribution for a self advocate’s meal. (Indicate amount)
_____I would like to help pay for my Senator’s meal. (Indicate amount)
_____ I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation. (Indicate amount)
Please mark you meal choice. Meal Includes: coffee, tea, salad and dessert
_____ Apple Brandy Pork Chop
_____ Spinach and Feta Chicken
_____ Porcini Ravioli
Special Accommodations (Please Specify) _______________________________________________________
I would like to pay by credit card. Credit Card Number: ______________________________________________________
Security Code _____ Expiration Date: __________________ Total Amount Charged: ______________________________
Or register on line at:
Reservations MUST be made no later than March 24th, 2022
Please Mail or email the completed Reservation Form to:
The Arc of Nebraska Phone: 402-475-4407
215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 508 [email protected]
Lincoln, NE 68508
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